Hosting a Course


Thank you for your interest in Co-Hosting a Jones Institute Australasia Strain Counterstrain (SCS) course in the Asia/ Pacific region. SCS courses are three-day courses that usually runs Friday through Sunday. A Co-Host shares the responsibilities to provide a SCS course. Following is an outline of SCS course responsibilities of both Jones Institute Australasia and the Co-Host facility.

Jones Institute Australasia responsibilities:

  • Provide qualified Instructors and/or teaching assistants.
  • Provide each registered attendee with a course syllabus and a certificate of completion.
  • In addition, the following is supplied: A Flip Chart for SCS I, III and two Flip Charts for SCS II.
  • Market the course: We may market through direct emails, on our website and on internet course advertising sites.
  • Process registration and payment of attendees through our website.
  • Award the Co-Hosting facility 2 complimentary tuitions or an equivalent reduced rate for tuitions for all their staff as reimbursement for use of their facilities.
  • Reimburse all receipted food expenses as described below under the Co-Host Facility section.

Co-Host Facility responsibilities:

  • Provide a minimum of 8 staff/ colleague attendees. Additional attendees will need to be gained through course advertising before the course can be considered viable to commence.
  • Provide a location suitable to hold a three-day lab course with 22 attendees with 2 people working at each treatment table.
  • Provide adequate treatment tables with appropriate padding.
  • Locally, actively promote and get the word out about the course!
  • Provide simple snacks and beverages for scheduled breaks. Jones Institute Australasia will reimburse the Co-Host up to a maximum of $6.00 per day per participant. A “break food & beverage recommendation & schedule” form is provided for Co-Hosts. After the course, the Co-Host facility will submit the “Co-Host reimbursement” form with food expense receipts to the Jones Institute Australia for reimbursement.
  • AV EQUIPMENT: A powerpoint projector and a screen/ surface to project onto.

If  you would like to Co-Host a  Jones Institute Australasia course, please complete the following Co-Hosting a Course form and email it back to us (at the address on the form) at your earliest convenience.

© 2023 Jones Institute Australasia.

We support courses run by the following organisations